Erudite Professor Nol Alembong is new VC of FOMIC Polytechnic

Professor Nol Alembong

Vice Chancellor

Prominent Cameroonian author and endowed Professor of African Literature, Prof Nol Alembong, has been named Vice Chancellor (VC) of FOMIC Polytechnic University with campuses in Douala and Buea The appointment of the literary guru and academic heavyweight was made public in a statement signed by the Chancellor of the institution, Professor Esendugue Greg Fonsah. His appointment decision copy of which The Guardian Post has seen, is dated Thursday September 14. Prof Nol Alembong brings to FOMIC Polytechnic University, a rich experience in the Cameroon niversity system, which spans several decades. In the statement announcing his appointment, the Chancellor of FOMIC Polytechnic University wrote: “I am pleased to announce that Professor Nol Alembong will be joining us at FOMIC Polytechnic as our new Vice Chancellor following a Board decision of 3rd July 2023”. He said Professor Nol Alembong shall serve the institution as the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) and Academic Head with the title “Vice Chancellor”. “The Pro-Chancellor, Professor Fossung Michael Forzeh will be introducing, on my behalf, Professor Nol Alembong to senior staff, especially the members of the Committee of Deans and Directors on Tuesday, 3rd October 2023 at the Molyko Campus” the statement added. Prof Nol Alembong is a no greenhorn in the academic milieu in Cameroon and beyond.   The celebrated Professor of African Literature and Civilisations has several years of experience in the sector. He has held many academic and administrative positions in the Cameroon University system, the most recent ones being the Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Buea and the deputyVice-Chancellor in Charge of Teaching, Professionalisation and the Development of Information and Communication Technologies at same university. Speaking shortly after his appointment, Prof Nol Alembong pledged to make FOMIC Polytechnic fulfill the institution’s vision of training internationally celebrated graduates who are job creators and not job seekers. The versatile university don has said, as Vice-Chancellor, he will work in expanding FOMIC Polytechnic University’s horizon in terms of courses and applicability of programmes. Prof Alembong has also promised to facilitate access of FOMIC graduates to American universities, given his huge experience and contacts in the USA. “I am coming in with new perspectives. This is not to say that nothing has been happening. A lot has been happening at FOMIC. I would like to expand the horizon of FOMIC Polytechnic University in terms of courses and the applicability of of ICTs and new programmes. In fact, one of my visions is to make FOMIC graduates have access to American universities and be gobally recognised” he said. He added that “Fomic can easily achieve my vision thanks to its board members with very rich academic and professional standing. To mention a few, the Chancellor, Professor Esendugue Greg Fonsah is a seasoned Professor with over 30 years of experience in industry and faculty, currently a Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Georgia, Tifton, USA. In addition, the Pro-Chancellor, Professor Fossung Michael Forzeh is a seasoned Chartered Accountant, the current Secretary General of the Institute of Chartered Accoiuntants of Cameroon (ONECCA). He is an Associate Professor of Accounting and the Vice-Dean in charge of Research and Cooperation, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences of the University of Buea. With these heavy weights on the Board, we will definitely put  Fomic Polytechnic University on top of the list of Private Universities in Cameroon” he said.

Enviable academic exploits

Prof Nol Alem bong holds a Diploma in Bilingual Studies, a Bachelor of Arts in English, Master’s, Doctoratde 3eme Cycle and Doctorat d’Etat Degrees in African Literature.

Since 1993, he has been serving on the Boards of many professional and scientific organisations.

He is a member of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, UAES, African Literature Association and Fulbright Association.

Due to his intellectual versatility and academic erudition, he won the USIA and Fulbright Grants that enabled him teach, carry out research and give academic talks in several colleges and universities in the United States including Indiana University, Bloomington (1998); the University of West Alabama, Livingston (2004); Birmingham-Southern College, Texas States University, San Marcos, Tennessee Technological University, Cooke ville, Samford University, Mississippi Valley State University, Delta Research and Cultural Institute and Union College, Barbourville.

Back in Cameroon, Prof Nol Alembong has held several academic and administrative positions in the university system.

He served as Head of Department of African Literature and Civilisations at the University of Yaounde I (April 2000 December 2004 and November 2005–December 2011), Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Buea (August 2012–August 2019), Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Teaching, Professionalization and the Development of Information and Communication Technologies at the same university (August 2019– August 2023).

He is the author of three volumes of poetry: The Passing Wind (1991; revised2014), Forest Echoes (2010) and Green Call(2017), two scholarly works, Cameroon’s Western Grassland Incantations: Background, Society, Cosmology (2010)and Stand points on African Orature (2011),and an impressive number of articles published in scientific journals in and out of Cameroon.

He contributed to and co-edited Rupture et transvers alitédelalittérature camerounaise (2010), Francis Bebey: Hommede culture (2014) and Ecocultural Perspectives: Literature and Language (2015).

FOMIC Polytechnic in a nutshell

FOMIC Polytechnic is equipped with ultra-modern learning facilities, including an online student portal and a digital learning platform. The institution has high-profile faculty members drawn from the world’s best Universities and Industry faculty members with high professional experiences in various specialties. The Polytechnic is currently in partnership with Savannah State University USA, the University of Ulster UK, and the Kenyan Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (Kasneb). The institution has positioned itself as one of the leading institutions in training, motivating, and inspiring innovative and transformational leaders, instilling them with a culture of hard work, integrity, resilience, and professional and academic excellence. Students from FOMIC are at the frontline of digitalization, technology, and entrepreneurship, which empowers them to understand their role as job creators and employers.