Vice Chancellor

Enviable academic exploits
Prof Nol Alem bong holds a Diploma in Bilingual Studies, a Bachelor of Arts in English, Master’s, Doctoratde 3eme Cycle and Doctorat d’Etat Degrees in African Literature.
Since 1993, he has been serving on the Boards of many professional and scientific organisations.
He is a member of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, UAES, African Literature Association and Fulbright Association.
Due to his intellectual versatility and academic erudition, he won the USIA and Fulbright Grants that enabled him teach, carry out research and give academic talks in several colleges and universities in the United States including Indiana University, Bloomington (1998); the University of West Alabama, Livingston (2004); Birmingham-Southern College, Texas States University, San Marcos, Tennessee Technological University, Cooke ville, Samford University, Mississippi Valley State University, Delta Research and Cultural Institute and Union College, Barbourville.
Back in Cameroon, Prof Nol Alembong has held several academic and administrative positions in the university system.
He served as Head of Department of African Literature and Civilisations at the University of Yaounde I (April 2000 December 2004 and November 2005–December 2011), Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Buea (August 2012–August 2019), Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Teaching, Professionalization and the Development of Information and Communication Technologies at the same university (August 2019– August 2023).
He is the author of three volumes of poetry: The Passing Wind (1991; revised2014), Forest Echoes (2010) and Green Call(2017), two scholarly works, Cameroon’s Western Grassland Incantations: Background, Society, Cosmology (2010)and Stand points on African Orature (2011),and an impressive number of articles published in scientific journals in and out of Cameroon.
He contributed to and co-edited Rupture et transvers alitédelalittérature camerounaise (2010), Francis Bebey: Hommede culture (2014) and Ecocultural Perspectives: Literature and Language (2015).