Student Union
Whereas the student union remains the authentic body which is responsible for the control of students’ socio-cultural activities of FOMIC Polytechnic,
- Mindful of our desires to develop the spirit of participatory managements,
- Mindful of our desires to contribute to the infrastructural developments of Fomic,
- Mindful of our desires to promote a spirit of socio-cultural awareness, and unity amongst us,
- Conscious of the fact that the student union government is under the control of the administration of Fomic, We the entire student body of Fomic, in collaboration with the students’ affaires office, meeting at our campus in Molyko Buea adopted the following as rules and regulation binding the activities of the students union.
Membership shall be subjected to the fulfillment of all the required registration formalities of Fomic polytechnic.
- 1. All meeting of the union shall be held either on campus A or campus B of Fomic.
- 2. General meeting of the union shall be held once or twice a semester, except in case of emergency or urgency.
4.1 Participation in all school activities is obligatory and students who fail to do so shall be exempted from classes for a period 1-2 days depending on the gravity of the circumstances.
4.2 An Exco member who fails to carry out his/ her duties as required shall attract a suspension.
4.3 Failure to attend Exco meetings for no just cause shall attract sanction from the administration.
4.4 students who fail to dress modestly shall be restricted from attending lectures and if they persist, administrative sanctions shall be applied.
- All students are obliged to make compulsory students levy as charged by the General Assembly and approved by NPB administration during registration. The approved amount shall be paid o a yearly base. 30% of the total shall be used by the Fomic administration for the cleaning of the:
- Campuses and 70% shall be used by students for their activities.
- The money shall be paid into the students’ union account at the bursary of the school and it shall later be transferred to students’ union account in a credit union.
- The signatories to the account shall be:
– The students’ affaires officer (SAO)
– The Fomic bursar
– The president of the students’ union
– Each student shall present his/ her student union levy receipt to the financial secretary for registration into the union financial register.
- For every withdrawal, the SAO, the president and the treasurer must be present
a) All expenditure must be recommended by the students’ affaire officer and approved by the Rector or Registrar.
b) Financial expenditure shall be approved for the following activities.
- The General Assembly
- The welcome party
- The Youth Day
- The National Day
Items (iii) and (iv) are strictly reserved only for students’ who participate in these activities, namely, human investment and march past.
- Cleaning of the campuses
- Health (Students Union First Aid Box and Emergencies
- Sports
- Any other expenditure that both the administration and the students union government considers as necessary.
- Canteen.
- All entertainments shall be on campus through the school.
- Financial statements shall be presented to the General Assembly once a year precisely during the second semester General Assembly meeting.
- There shall be primaries at school level (for both HND and Degree to select school delegates to represent the school in the students union. The elected delegate shall then elect the executive.
- Elections shall be conducted every year for the student’s union executive members.
- To be eligibly for the elections the candidates MUST have fulfilled the condition of ART.11 above.
- Campaigns shall begin one week before voting.
- I. All finance meant for this exercise must be paid into the bursary and disbursed on request as approved by the students’ affaires officer.
Each applicant for any post of the Students Union Government must fulfill the following conditions:
- Not have faced a disciplinary committee and found guilty.
- Have actively participated in all school activities.
- Not have more than 2 re-sit courses or carry over.
- Have completed all fees.
- Generally be of good conduct within and without the school.
The executive bureau shall comprise of the following:
- President,
- 2 Vice Presidents
- Secretary General
- Treasurer
- Financial secretary
- 2 organizing secretaries (Boy and Girl)
- Public Relation officer
- 2 Education Officers (Boy and Girl)
- 2 Health Officers (Boy and Girl)
- 2 Sport coordinators (Boy and Girl)
The General Assembly shall meet once or twice per semester
Review the objectives and activities of the Student Union..
- Debate and adopt the annual budget of the Students Union which must indicate budgetary lines.
- Propose amendments of the constitution.
- Meeting of the Student’s Union General Assembly shall be convened by the President and Secretary General and approved by Fomic polytechnic administration based on writing application to these effects.
- For the deliberation and decision of the Assembly to be authentic, a 2/3 quorum of the students must be attained.
Functions of the various executive bureau members:
The president
- The President of the Student Union Government shall in terms of hierarchy be the highest officer of the student union government.
- His/her powers are limited to students’ activities on campus including authorized students’ activities off-campus.
- He/she shall preside over meeting of the General Assembly and of the executive bureau.
- He/she shall be vested with executive powers and shall endorse all official documents of the student affaires officers where necessary
- He/she shall as chief executive, oversee the functioning of the Student Union Government
The Vice President
- There shall be 2 vice presidents (first and second)
- The first Vice President shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President
- He/she shall perform such other functions as delegated to him/her by the President from time to time.
- He/she shall fully take over the presidency in case of established absence of the President.
- Each Vice President assumes full responsibility for the socio-cultural activities in their various programmes (Degree, HND/HPD and BTS/DSEP).
The Secretary General
- He/she shall head the general secretariat of the union.
- He/she shall take minutes of the General Assembly and executive bureau meetings.
- He/she shall receive and file all correspondences destine to the Students Union Government and send out mails and correspondence from the Union.
- He/she shall, in collaboration with the President, prepare and present to the General Assembly bi-yearly reports on the activities of the Students Union Government.
The Treasurer
- He/she shall be responsible for the proper managements of all funds of the union and shall constantly keep the President and execution bureau informed of the current account of the Union.
- He/she shall be authorized by the President of his or her vice to withdraw money on the following recommendation of Students Affaires Officers and approved by the Rector or Registrar. Such withdrawal shall be recorded by the Financial Secretary.
The Financial Secretary
- He/she shall keep the accounts of all financial transactions of union.
- He/she shall present the position of any account during General Assembly meeting.
- He/she in collaboration with the Treasures shall present copies of any such accounts to the executive bureau/auditors whenever so demanded.
The Organizing Secretary (boy/girl)
- He/ she shall perform functions of the General Secretary in case of his/her absence.
- He/she shall be in charge of organizing meetings of the Student Union.
- He/she shall organize any social activities of the Students Union like parent’s day, welcoming visitors, launching activities etc.
- He/she shall be in charge of labeling, arranging meeting halls and ushering guests.
The Public Relation Officer
- He/she shall be in charge of serving notices to students of meeting of the student union.
- He/she shall be responsible for the publicity and propaganda of union activities.
- He/she shall inform the public of any activity of the Student Union with permission of the Students’ Affaires Officer.
- He/she shall be in charge of publication of the Students Union news and information on campus
Education Officer
- He/she shall in collaboration with members of the Executive Bureau conduct elections of all the class coordinators.
- He/she shall ensure that all problems channeled by class coordinators to him/her are forwarded through the deans to the administration timetables to be published in good time.
- He/she shall remind the Deans to publish lecture timetables before lectures begin.
Health Officers (boy/girl)
- He/she shall ensure the cleanliness of the campus, residential quarters, toilets, class room etc
- He/she shall control the Union’s First Aid Box which is kept by the Students’ Affaire Officer.
Sports Coordinator (boy and girl)
- He/she shall be in charge of all sporting activities of the Students Union.
- He/she shall be responsible for organizing sporting activities both within and without the campus in collaboration with the Students Affaire Officer.
- He/she shall in collaboration with the Students’ Affaire Officer control all sporting equipments of Fomic.
- He/she shall mobilize all students for sporting activities.
Any officer who wishes to resign shall tender his/her letter or resignation via the President of the executive bureau.
Part or whole of this constitution is subjected to amendments on the preposition of the General Assembly. Such amendments can only be carried out on the approval of 2/3 majority of the general assembly.