- Objective of the training
This training aims to produce executives able to detect by laboratory tests, the various pathologies that can affect the human body.
- Research Skills
Generic skills
-Receive or collect and check the biological sample and record the date, time of collection, patient details, etc ;
-Prepare the analyzers, the reagents and the biological sample (fractionation, distribution according to the type of analysis);
-Process the sample by centrifugation, dilution, heating, and monitor the progress of the analysis and record the data;
-Compare the results of the analysis with previous results, minimum values, maximum values and establish the report;
-Monitor the inventory status of consumables, establish replenishment orders and arrange the equipment according to their validity date and storage conditions;
-Check the operation of the analyzers, update the maintenance register and inform in case of malfunction;
-Disinfect, decontaminate, tidy the workstation and equipment;
-Proceed with the evacuation and disposal of waste.
-Master the computer tool and ICT.
Specific skills
-Perform biological analyzes on blood samples, secretions, tissues, urine, stools, etc
-Conduct biological analyzes in anatomo-cytopathology, bacteriology, Biochemistry, Parasitology, hematology, immunology / serology, virology;
-Check the feasibility of a biological sample and inform the patient about its progress;
-Take a blood sample, monitor the patient’s reactions and intervene as needed
-Manage the stock of labile blood products in an establishment and supply the units of care;
-Conduct training actions within an organization.
- Opportunities
-Public function;
-Hospitals and private clinics;
-NGO (Non Governmental Organizations);
-Agribusiness ;
-Occupational Medicine ;
-Research and training