. The objective of the training The mission of HSI program is to train highly qualified Health Sanitary Inspectors capable of inspecting, evaluating and planning high quality healthy environment in diverse settings locally, nationally and internationally.

  1. The powers sought

Generic Skills

-Be responsible and reflexive;

-Have empowered gestural and capabilities; relational

-Recognize its emotions and be able to use with the acquired professional necessary;

-Have a trust and a proven insurance;

-Have the critical capacity and questioning;

-Develop an ethics and a normal professional;

-Make thoughtful decisions;

-Act with autonomy and responsibility in the fields of well delimited its function;

-Master the computer tool and ICT.

Specific skills

-Inspects community land areas and investigates complaints concerning neglect of property and illegal dumping of refuse to ensure compliance with municipal code: Inspects designated areas periodically for evidence of neglect, excessive litter, and presence of unsightly or hazardous refuse;

-Interviews residents and inspects area to investigate reports of illegal dumping and neglected land;

-Locates property owners to explain nature of inspection and investigation findings and to encourage voluntary action to resolve problems;

-Studies laws and statutes in municipal code to determine specific nature of code violation and type of action to be taken;

-Issues notices of violation to land owners not complying with request for voluntary correction of problems;

-Issues notices of abatement to known violators of dumping regulations and informs other municipal agencies of need to post signs forbidding illegal dumping at designated sites;

-Prepares case materials when legal action is required to solve problems;

-Conducts informational meetings for residents, organizes neighborhood cleanup projects, and participates in campaigns to beautify city to promote community interest in eliminating dangerous and unsightly land use practices.


-Health and sanitation departments of Municipal Bodies

-District Councils

-Transportation services (Railways, seaports, airports…)


-Food industries.