

1. The objective of the training

This specialty leads to the training of specialists in charge of the maintenance activities of production systems, energy and fluid systems and wind systems. They provide corrective and preventive maintenance, improve operational safety, manage failures and malfunctions and integrate levels.

2. Research Skills

1 Generic skills

  • Work independently and in team collaboration;
  • Analyze, synthesize professional documents (French, English);
  • Orally and writing communication (French, English);
  • Participate in (other) lead project management process;
  • Know and exploit professional and institutional networks of electricity sectors.

2 Specific skills

  • Analyze existing electronic systems;
  • Test and validate of electronic equipment or product;
  • Maintain and install equipment or product in operation;
  • Apply new technological solutions from the existing and new specifications;
  • Detect faults, dysfunctions and establish the repair plan;
  • Exchange electronic knowledge
  • 3 Career Opportunities
  • Technician of Maintenance and installation of electronic systems;
  • Design office Manager;
  • Team leader in production unit;
  • Assistant Engineer (measurements, tests and controls);
  • After Sales Service Manager.
