hnd in banking & finance

The objective of the training

The objective of this specialty is to cover the deficit in number and quality, of humanresources  which credit establishments need to carry out their business. Besides, the training will provide enterprises, no matter their area of activity, with collaborators whowill enable them seize the opportunities offered them by the financial system to evolve, expand and align their business to the world financial system.

Skills Sought After

Five key career paths for newly qualified Banking and Finance

Investment bankers

Investment bankers leverage a firm’s assets as a way to gain partial ownership of another organization.

Investment analysts

Investment analysts also perform research on behalf of their clients to make sure that any corporation seeking investors is reporting its finances accurately.

Business development managers

Business development managers often work as consultants for companies seeking to expand or develop in new areas.

Business analysts

Business analysts often work as part of a larger analytical team or investment firm that performs research on a company to uncover areas of waste.

Chief financial officers

Chief financial officers work closely with lower-level managers to ensure every department adheres to company policies.

General skills

  •  Understand the professional and economic environment;
  •  Be apt in oral and written communication;
  • Be skillful in sale and commercial negotiation;
  •  Master the legal framework of the activity and be apt in analyzing
  • applicable taxation rules.
  •  Master the use of NIT applicable to banks;
  •  Be flexible
  •  Be able to work under pressure;

Specific Skills

  • Construct and develop a relationship of confidence with each
  • customer, in line with the marketing policy of the enterprise;
  •  Develop quantitatively and qualitatively the goodwill of the business,
  • notably by increasing the rate of goods and services offered to
  • clients;
  • Contribute personally to quality reception;
  •  Manage and develop quantitatively and qualitatively a professional
  • customer portfolio within the framework of the marketing policy of
  • the enterprise;
  • Contribute to the development of the enterprise through his/her
  • marketing strategies with professional customers;
  • Develop a comprehensive approach to professional customers;
  • The holder of the HND in Banking and Finance may also be entrusted with:
  •  Open and manage accounts;
  •  Distribute products and services where payments are made
  • through accounts;
  •  Promote and use information transmission technologies;Filière : 
  •  Distribute banking and non-banking saving products and
  • manage the finance of the enterprise;
  •  Distribute products linked to savings, notably those under
  • collective management;
  •  Promote consumer credits awards, award of building
  • construction loans to individuals, and preparing files;
  •  Promote modes of financing during exploitation and
  • investment period of enterprises and prepare files;
  •  Promote insurance products offered by the bank;
  •  Follow-up and management of risks customers are exposed to;
  •  Carry out economic and financial analyses of the situation of
  • customers, evaluating and follow-up of risks.


  •  Commercial banks;
  •  Credit establishments;
  •  Stock Exchange;
  •  Insurance companies;
  •  Central Bank;
  •  Bank commission;
  •  Ministries in charge of finance and economic and financial matters;
  •  Microfinance establishments;
  •  Savings banks and the service responsible for finance of the post
  • office, etc

Organization of the Teachings


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