Author Archives: Blaise Tembong

FPU HND Final Year Students defend thier projects at thier Buea Campus

FOMIC POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY HND Final Year Students defend thier projects at thier Buea Campus in Molyko. Remember FOMIC POLYTECHNIC University runs the School of Bussiness, School of Engineering, School of Medical and Biomedical Sciences and the School of Agriculture. They also run Language Programmes in both the Douala and Buea Campuses..

Mechanical Engineering students on thier Weekly Practical Lessons

Some FOMIC POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Mechanical Engineering students on thier Weekly Practical Lessons at Mac Manufacturing Company Bonaberri Douala. Practical lessons have and will always be one of FOMICs strong points given that one of our key objectives is breeding young Cameroonians who are indeed ready to blend theory with practice and ofcourse productivity in the […]